May 18, 2008

"It All Begins With The End."

Yes, the above comment does make sense. It's all explained in the picture above. What you have there isn't a project outline, it's an endstory timeflow chart. Confused? I hope not, because it was designed to make things simpler! Mayhaps, it IS better to start at the start.
Once upon a time there was a film idea called Chrono Dash. After about a year, Chrono Dash (CD) got a bit lonely so it decided to have another saga tacked on the end (Terra Artus). Then a new idea came along called Cold World (CW). After seeing how happy CD was CW decided it needed a sequel and along came CW: Beta Attacks. Then Rising Lights and Infinity Remix entered the mix as well. By this time CD had expanded into a five arc storyline. Then The Enigmartist, decided that they could all connect together; somehow...
After several more months The Future Is Us Saga was born with ten different story arcs separated into a serial, a trilogy and a Saga. Rising Lights was feeling very lonely all by itself, so it got it's own sequel and they went off as a couple, away from The Future Is Us Saga.
Then came along a new exciting and separate story; Hunters. From Hunters came the character of Eve and from both these influences Hellsong was born, a continuation of Hunters. By now The Future Is Us was feeling rather un-epic compared to Hunetrs/Hellsong, so it got a new storyline called Omega Frame to wrap the entire Saga up (It also has a half-sister called Origins of the End, but it's easier not to mention her).
Finally, The Enigmartist decided that Eve (from Hunters/Hellsong) was so epic, she had to make an appearance in The Future Is Us Saga. Thus, these two separate universes had a connection. Since Rising/Risen Lights was still all on it's lonesome, Eve was added to that storyline too!
Then, all hell broke lose when Eve got her own storyline The Chronicles oF Eve!
Even more confused? I don't blame you. To put it simply, the entire storyline begins at Cold World, travels through all the other storylines and ends up The Chronicles oF Eve.
But, what does all this have to do with DP? You'll notice that there is a white box around one of the storylines; Hellsong Prologue. This Prologue is my major piece of work for this year. And while I did say it all begins with Cold World, timeline wise it really all begins in that white box. So, in order to make this short film, I need to make sure that the rest of the story works as a whole. This is equally important because the ONE AND ONLY character to appear in EVERY single story also appears in Hellsong Prologue. Therefore, in order to see who this character will act in this prologue I need to know what she'll be doing in the future. And she'll be doing quite a lot in the future.
It all begins, and it all ends, with Eve.

1 comment:

Roger Stack said...

OK you have my attention.

It begins and ends with Eve... but is it the same Eve? Does Eve experience a transformation?

You have chosen to use some very powerful archetypes. What philosophies are you drawing on in this project? Can you map them?