Apr 26, 2008

... And We Have Digital Lift-Off!

Okay, I did it! I've managed to install a Sims 2 game that won't crash in under an hour! Proof, I left the original game (no expansion packs) running all night long and it was all still there in the morning. Seems wiping the entire computer is the solution to the nvidia crashes, better go tell Ea Games so they can inform everyone!
That aise, this post is also here to show the amazing powers of custom content. The top image is a default sim, however, if we take that default sim and dress them up in lots of sexy custom content, you get the result below.
Now, I ask the simple question; which looks better?


Roger Stack said...

The fist one looks like my newbie self in Second Life - I should really go and get my av some custom hair and skin...

But then why should I make my av conform to peer pressure and marketing stereotypes - he has a great personality!

Great work - hope the makeup keeps running ;-)

Aletia said...

I think the top one is hot.
Definately better then the bottom... *cough*

Apparently, according to Ira, it looks like me. !? But no.



tina23 said...

The bottom one is so very pretty i like it a lot...
And to add to aletia she would need to custom herself as well like different hair style and put some more make up on and yeah...

