Apr 13, 2008


This has nothing to do with actual DP work, that's coming in the next post! I've decided that since I'm working on so many things at once, it would just be simpler to focus one post on each subject. This is also partially to do with adding several images to each post which never seems to work for me.
Okay, on to the subject! Well, as usual, I had an idea: to make a techno based mixed disk for a friend for their birthday. Then I thought it would be fun to do several CDs based on sub-genres of techno, so in the end there were seven different CD. The above five were the ones that made it to completion. Each one also has a custom CD print, but they don't look very good unless they're actually printed on the CD.
I mostly just felt like posting this as an excuse to the absence of actually work since it was taking up most of my study time last week. Safe to say, never again...

1 comment:

Zoe said...

The covers are amazing. I really appreciate that you designed them yourself and didn't 'borrow' a cover off another cd and editted it, as others could and would do

Congratulations of a highly polished piece.

- Zoe